Keep fresh your mind! – You have found our 404 page, as an apology we have prepared a relaxation exercise:
Grin for one minute:
Step 1
Laugh or smile.
Step 2
Hold this grin for at least one minute.
Step 3
Then relax the facial muscles again.
Info about the exercise:
Smiling and laughing have a great relaxing effect.
This is because when you smile or laugh, the facial muscle between your cheek and eye presses on the very nerve that signals a positive mood to our brain.
regardless of whether there is a reason to smile or not – even a fake smile (at least one minute!) has the same positive effect. It may seem strange to you to grin for a minute, but it will raise your mood and relax you.
Grin - and where?
For example, in bed in the morning before you get up, in front of the bathroom mirror, in a closed room (toilet), in the shower, in the car while driving to work, …